
Galleria San Marco 4 33170 Pordenone Italy Phone +39 0434 28465
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Galleria San Marco 4 33170 Pordenone Italy Phone +39 0434 28465
Please get in touch for more information
We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.
If you are not already using VIS Software under license you can download a trial version that will be automatically activated for 21 days following the first installation of the VIS Software. When you click download, you’ll be asked to enter your name and email address and the country in which you reside. Once you complete these details, you will receive an email with a link to the software download.
The assumptions, algorithms and calculation procedures are explained in detail for each of the design topics: strength, capacity, serviceability and detailing provisions. Extended reference is made to the various code provisions and to how they are implemented.
It explains in detail the various processes implemented by VIS and the other tools of the VIS family: interface with the CSi programs, import and export operations, design settings, management of the model, properties of concrete members, reference systems, design and check procedures, output functions. Emphasis is on the operation of the various commands and tools. Examples of use are provided.